Beyond the Pale
Arrived in Kauai after an approximately 6 hour flight from LAX, having spent the night in the nearby Sheraton hotel after a 4 hour flight from Toronto.
An overnight rest has definitely helped us manage the length of this journey. It was also very helpful that the flight from LAX to Kauai was sparsely populated. Bear and I were able to occupy our three seat section, leaving a seat between us. Being able to sprawl a little was beneficial. The seats themselves were brutal.
Arriving during the afternoon was much better than arriving late in the evening.
We did more walking, lugging, moving and hauling of weights (called luggage, backpacks and stuffed purse) in two days than i’ve done in 6 months.
My body is in rebellion. No more movement than absolutely necessary it cries.
The jacuzzi tub in our room was helpful at 5 a.m. local time, to get this physical storm of pain under control. What a blessing!